
Pro Mass Gainer in flavors - 500 gr

Available  in  flavors: Chocolate, vanilla, banana, white  chocolate  and  cookies.

GS  Sport  Pro  Mass  gainer  powder  contains  balanced  concentrations  of  protein, carbohydrates  and  fat. A  high  concentration  of  carbohydrates (1:5) in  ratio  to  proteins.
Relatively  high  calorie  value  in  low  volume.

Typical  incision  of  amino  acids  in  1  serving  size (300  gr  powder): 

The  ingredient

Amount  per  serving*


2,239 – 2,268


1,003 – 1,016

L-aspartic  acid

4,916 – 4,980


1,117 – 1,132

L-glutamic  acid

7,902 – 8,006


762 – 772


775 – 785


2,832 – 2,869


4,733 – 4,796


4,227 – 4,283


994 – 1,007


1,423 – 1,441


2,677 – 2,712


2,253 – 2,282


3,101 – 3,142


784 – 795


1,195 – 1,210


2,668 – 2,703

* Changes  according  to  the  flavor.

Nutritional  information:

The  ingredient

1  Serving  size  300  gr*

100  gr*

Energy (calories)

1,197 – 1,251

399 - 417

Total  fat (gr)

9 – 17.1

3 – 5.7

Cholesterol (mg)

105 – 114

35 - 38

Carbohydrates (gr)

228.3 – 232.8

76.1 – 77.6

Saturated  fat  acids (gr)

5.4 – 12

1.8 - 4

Trans  fat  acids (gr)



Proteins (gr)

45.6 – 46.2

15.2 – 15.4

Sodium (mg)

210 – 360

  1. – 120

* Changes  according  to  the  flavor.

Ingredients: Dextrose, maltodextrin, concentrated  whey  protein, fructose, whey  powder, glucose  syrup, skimmed  milk  powder, hydrogenated  veggie  fat, stabilizers (E452, E340), milk  protein, taste  enhancers, anticaking  agent (E551), emulsifying  agent (E471).
Other  ingredients  for  chocolate  flavor: Cacao  powder, vanillin.
Other  ingredients  for  cookies  flavor: Grinded  cookies.
Other  ingredients  for  white  chocolate  flavor: Cacao  powder.

Information  about  allergens: Contains  milk, might  contain: Wheat – gluten, soy  and  eggs.

Information  about  allergens  in  cookies  flavor: Contains: Wheat – gluten, milk, soy, eggs.
Might  contain: Sesame, nut (almond, walnut, hazel  nut, cashew, pecan, coconut, brazil  nut, chestnut, macadamia  nut, pine  nut, pistachio), peanuts, fish, gluten (oats, rye, barley).

Preparation  instructions: Put  3  measurement  spoons  into  a  suitable  tableware, add  400-500  ml  of  cold  milk  or  water, stir  well  and  serve.
It  is  recommended  to  consume  1  serving  size  in  the  end  of  a  training  and  second  serving  size  after  dinner.
On  no  exercise  days: 1  Serving  size  after  lunch  and  second  serving  size  after  dinner, before  bedtime.
Suggested  usage: 1  Serving  size = 300  gr, divides  into  2  serving  sizes  of  150  gr  each (3  measurement  spoons  of  50  gr  each).

Size: 500  gr

Dairy  Kosher, Cholov Yisroel  under  the  supervision  of  the  rabbinate  of  Rosh  HaAin

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